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Back of the Yards College Preparatory High School

BOYCP is a public high school in Chicago with IB MYP and DP programs. I was placed as a student teacher in Sculpture 1 and 2 classes (IB MYP) for 2017-18 academic year. Below are the two major unit projects I taught at the school.

Sculpture 1 (G9&10): Memorial Sculpture
Central Idea: To create a subtractive memorial sculpture as a way to acknowledging one's feeling of loss while remembering the subject of loss 

MYP Criterion Objectives: 
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including concepts, processes,
and the use of subject-specific terminology

Criterion B: Developing skills

  1. Demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art form studied

Criterion C: Thinking Creatively

  1. Develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic intention

  2. Demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking behaviors

  3. Demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic intention through to a point of realization

Criterion D: Responding

  1. Create an artistic response, which intends to reflect or impact the world around them

  2. Critique the artwork of self and others

Sculpture 2 (G10&11): Anxiety

Central Idea: To translate one's feelings and thoughts on anxiety into a 3D form using Model Magic clay and acrylic paint


  1. Students will generate collective lists of words and phrases about feelings and thoughts related to anxiety. (SE:2A.4a) 

  2. Students will experiment with Model Magic and acrylic paints to make sculptures about anxiety or related thoughts and feelings. (VA:Cr1.1.Ia) 

  3. ​Students will translate the feeling of anxiousness and related ideas into 2D drawing and to 3-D form. (VA:Re7.2.Ia) 

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